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RetailBags has been awarded the EcoVadis gold medal

RetailBags has been awarded the EcoVadis gold medal

At RetailBags, trading name of API Caropack Europe BV, we are proud to announce that we have been awarded the gold medal by EcoVadis. This recognition places us among the top 5% of companies worldwide in terms of sustainability performance. EcoVadis is a leading assessor of corporate sustainability, evaluating companies on criteria such as environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.

After a previous silver award, we took additional steps this year to improve our processes and policies, which resulted in achieving this gold medal. This gold medal not only recognises our efforts to offer sustainable packaging solutions, but also to promote sustainable business practices that take responsibility for the community and the planet. This achievement highlights our commitment to the highest standards of sustainability and ethical conduct.

  • What is EcoVadis?
  • Impact of the EcoVadis gold medal on RetailBags and our relations
  • Future plans for sustainability at RetailBags
  • Bibliography

What is EcoVadis?

EcoVadis is a globally recognised rating system that assesses companies on their sustainability performance. The platform was established in 2007 with the aim of improving the environmental and social practices of companies worldwide by leveraging their impact on global supply chains. EcoVadis assesses companies on a wide range of non-financial management indicators focusing on environment, labour practices and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement (EcoVadis, n.d.)

EcoVadis’ assessment methodology is based on international sustainability standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact and the ISO 26000 standard, which provide a detailed picture of a company’s performance in these areas. Companies are provided with a scorecard that helps them understand which areas need improvement and how they compare with their industry peers (CertificeringsAdvies Nederland, n.d.).

This assessment not only helps companies improve their own sustainability performance, but also facilitates due diligence for potential partners who value responsibility and sustainability within their supply chains.

Impact of the EcoVadis gold medal on RetailBags and our relations

Being awarded the gold EcoVadis medal is a great achievement for RetailBags (API Caropack Europe BV), especially after previously receiving the silver medal. This medal demonstrates our corporate social responsibility in terms of the environment, social responsibility and ethics.

From silver to gold:

After receiving the silver medal in 2022, we used feedback from EcoVadis to refine our processes and make improvements, this led us to gold. We are willing to learn and improve.

Strengthening trust:

For our (future) partners, this gold medal confirms that RetailBags is a reliable and progressive organisation. It reinforces confidence in our capabilities as a leading supplier that not only acts responsibly, but also actively contributes to improving industry standards. With our enhanced status, we can now gain even better access to new markets and cooperation opportunities, where high demands are placed on sustainability performance.

A partner in sustainability:

Our continuous efforts to improve sustainability on all fronts make RetailBags an ideal partner for companies that value an ethical and responsible supply chain. By partnering with us, you are choosing a supplier that not only promises, but actually contributes to a more sustainable future.

Future plans for sustainability at RetailBags

We will continuously improve and expand our sustainability efforts. Below are some concrete plans.

Cleaner shipments from the Far East:

As well as our European production partners, we also work with production partners in the Far East. One specific initiative we are currently implementing is advising in cleaner transport methods. Currently, we see that in terms of CO2 reduction, there are many gains to be made in cleaner transport methods for our shipments from the Far East.

By allowing relations to use rail transport, a significantly more environmentally friendly alternative compared to sea and air freight, we aim to reduce our carbon footprint.

Transparency in supply chain:

In addition to our commitment to sustainability through EcoVadis, we at RetailBags are also actively preparing for the new European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). This important regulation, which comes into force from 30 December 2024, requires companies to thoroughly map their supply chains to ensure that their products do not contribute to deforestation.

Designed to reduce the impact of deforestation on climate change, the EUDR promotes transparency and sustainability within international supply chains. We are currently accurately mapping the geo-locations (polygon) of raw materials used throughout the supply chain. We are also in the process of drafting a due diligence statement, describing all raw material sourcing locations.

In doing so, we work closely with our suppliers to ensure that all materials meet strict EUDR standards, and we implement improved traceability systems to accurately track the origin of our raw materials.

Read more about how we are preparing for the EUDR here.

Continuous improvement based on feedback:

The recognition by EcoVadis offers us valuable insights and feedback in addition to a nice award. We plan to use this feedback as a guide for further improvements. Every aspect of our operations is scrutinised to determine where there are still gains to be made so that we not only maintain our current status, but can even improve it to platinum.

This means a continuous process of evaluating, adapting and optimising our sustainability practices.

Want to know more about what our EcoVadis gold medal can do for your business? Please contact us for more information.


EcoVadis. (z.d.). Over ons | EcoVadis. https://ecovadis.com/nl/about-us/

CertificeringsAdvies Nederland. (z.d.). EcoVadis | CertificeringsAdvies Nederland. https://certificeringsadvies.nl/milieu-en-duurzaamheid/ecovadis/